Ringtone.net, in Partnership with The League of Gentlemen Web Site are proud to present an all new League of Gentlemen Ringtone and all new Logo's for Nokia handsets!
New tones such as Voodoo Lady and maybe some Neil Sedaka for the 'Live' show fans will be added soon so please call back again! You can mail us here with your suggestions.
To order the Ringtone call 09069 191444 (costs approx £2.50 at £1 per min) and quote code the code below or send a text message (costs £3) with the text RN then a space then the 5 digit code to 83149. i.e. send RN 10377 to 83149. Click here to pay by credit card (£2.99).
To preview the standard Ringtone click here Code 10377
To preview the NEW Polyphonic Ringtone* click here Code 15010
* Polyphonic Nokia's, Panasonic GD87, Motorola T720/T720i/C350, Sony-Ericsson T300/T610/P800 & Sharp GX10/GX10i only! WAP required.
To order a Picture Message call 09069 191444 (costs approx £2.50 at £1 per min) and quote code the code below or send a text message (costs £3) with the text RN then a space then the 5 digit code to 83149. i.e. send RN 40358 to 83149. Click here to pay by credit card (£2.99).
40358 |
40845 |
40831 |
40856 |
40936 |
40937 |
40938 |
Some handsets allow you to save Picture Messages and display them as a screensaver.
To order an Operator Logo call 09069 191444 (costs approx £2.50 at £1 per min) and quote code the code below or send a text message (costs £3) with the text RN then a space then the 5 digit code to 83149. i.e. send RN 22590 to 83149. Click here to pay by credit card (£2.99).
22590 |
22591 |
To order a Group Logo call 09069 191444 (costs approx £2.50 at £1 per min) and quote code the code below or send a text message (costs £3) with the text RN then a space then the 5 digit code to 83149. i.e. send RN 32590 to 83149. Click here to pay by credit card (£2.99).
32590 |
32591 |
09069 191444 costs £1.00 per minute. Average call length 2.5 minutes.
Pay by text to 83149 costs: £4.50 for Orange, O2 and Vodafone and £5 for T-Mobile. To search for many more Ringtones and Logo's or if you're not in the UK pay by credit card (£2.99) and click here. |