Burton - 1956 - 2002

the guide...'
Hadfield resident Steve Burton was a leading authority on
The League of Gentlemen.
He led conducted tours of the Hadfield locations.
He organised regular Hadfield meet-ups of League of Gentlemen
enthusiasts from
the Internet - he was a moderator of the League of Gentlemen
mailing list -
and he compiled the quiz questions for these events.
died on 18 September 2002, aged 46.

is shown above (centre) leading a conducted tour from the
Masons Arms
and below, hosting the Who Wants To Be A Royston Vasey Millionaire?
in July 2001 with the winner, Patty Friedrichs from Amsterdam.
Funeral tribute
Steve should be here to do this. It needs someone as big
and bold and warm and witty and wise as he was - and I’m
have only known Steve for a couple of years or so. We were
brought together by a shared enthusiasm for The League of
Gentlemen, Royston Vasey and the Masons Arms and found we
had a lot more in common - like a certain quizzical way
of looking at the world.
came to feel that we had been friends for a long time and
that we were very close - but I suspect that a lot of other
people came to feel the same way, sometimes without ever
meeting him in the real world - or even the surreal world
of Royston Vasey.
was the real Royston Vasey. I think he knew more about the
League of Gentlemen than they do about themselves. He followed
the local show and their other live appearances around the
country, he watched the filming, he conducted visitors around
the Hadfield locations with endless patience and enthusiasm,
he organised and hosted the meet-ups of enthusiasts and
compiled the quizzes, he welcomed everyone to the virtual
world of the Internet email groups and presided over their
digital discussions with immense warmth and humour and intelligence.
was astute at recognising people’s strengths and weaknesses
and his banter and good-humoured wind-ups helped to hold
the groups together through the inevitable spats. He was
the first to point out that everyone is local to somewhere
and he rightly mocked the BBC and the Gents’ management
company for failing to appreciate the value of their asset
with as much enthusiasm as we do.
was much loved both locally and globally for the way he
was so generous with his time and energy and erudition and
compassion. It’s ironic that we are saying goodbye
to him so soon after he was recognised by the local council
and tourist information centre as the official guide to
Royston Vasey. For many of us he was a guide in more ways
than one.
leaves a lot of friends and, as Tara says, a big, baldy
Burty-shaped hole in the universe that will be impossible
to fill.
the guide.
from the mailing list
I want to add my goodbye to Steve. I never met him. But
I know for a fact that everyone who did loved him. No-one
ever had a bad word to say about him (and I mean that -
no-one has ever insulted him). He was kind, caring, funny,
fun, intelligent, good-humoured, on the ball (and I can
tell all that just from the messages he posted on these
groups). A completely lovely man, who will be missed by
everyone who ever spoke to him, or read one of his messages.
I never met you Steve, I wish I had. We once had words but
the measure of a man is how he handles himself and how he
turns the situation around. You are that man.
I simply can't express how sad I am to hear this news and
how much I'm going to miss him. I feel I've lost a true
friend in steve. My hadfield 'dad' and my sparring partner
in the ongoing insult war! Hadfield will never be the same
without him.
Steve was a genuinly wonderful person who had so much time
for people. I could write so much but I feel he'd only tell
me off for making too much of a fuss.
miss his bear hugs
Lots of love Steve
is the worst day I have had in a long time. I miss you so
much, and I can't believe it's true. It won't be the same
without you.
made everyone he met feel like an old mate from the first
moment. It's true that Hadfield just won't be the same without
happy that my last morning in Hadfield was spent round Steve's
and then having a pint with him in the Masons. I don't think
I'll ever be able to go to Hadfield again...
don't think it will really hit me until we have a meet up
and he's not there.
Who is going to correct my spelling now? :o(
for being such a good friend, thank you for the support
you gave me at my time of loss. You have definitely enriched
the lives of so many people. And we will miss you more than
words can say.
were always there for me no matter how small or large the
problem you would take it on board. Especially last year
when my dad was going through something really rough you
were my tower of strengh that got me through the whole traumatic
don't think anyone will ever forget the first time they
met Steve. Way back when we were attending the screenings
for series 2 to specially ruin the programme with our cackling
laughter, I was waiting outside BBC Broadcasting House expecting
to see a couple of people from our then modest little group.
I saw this big guy coming towards me as though I should
know him, he asked me if I was David, I said yes and he
replied "Ahh, you are the one which hates football"
referring to a difference in opinion earlier in the week
and he gave me THAT disapproving stare. Not that stopped
him buying me a drink mind and treating me like a long lost
friend mind.
Steve we miss you so much. Can you feel the love...
& John
will I do without my spar? I'll miss you forever. God Bless,
time I think of time spent with Steve, I laugh. And that's
how I'll remember him. As someone I shared only happy times
You were more than just a of the best. You
always looked for the good in people, not a bad bone in
your body.
- Hadfield will be weird and empty without you this Autumn;
no League of Gentlemen meet-up a wholly carefree and joyous
occasion without your cheerfully boisterous presence.
was one of the most caring and friendly people i have had
the pleasure of meeting. I will miss him forever.
am happy to have met him and am glad that I got to see him
on my last visit - it was a fun day and I will treasure
the memory of it.
miss you. You helped me through some really tough times
for which I will always be grateful. Words cannot express
the loss we all feel. I can't make the funeral but I will
be there in spirit. God bless.
were all shocked and saddened to hear this terrible news.
Steve Burton
did an extraordinary amount to widen the appeal of the show
both within
Hadfield and beyond. Our thoughts are with all his friends
and family at
the dreadful time.
Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, Reece Shearsmith & Jeremy Dyson.
Courier 27 September 2002

Glossop Chronicle 3 October 2002

Glossop Advertiser 17 October 2002