The map below shows 24 locations in the centre of Hadfield.
You can walk around the suggested route in about half an
hour to an hour, depending how often you stop to take photographs
(or refreshment). You could, of course, walk it the other
way round.
Some other locations are further away - the Local Shop,
for instance, isn't local; Mamma Mia's restaurant is in
Hollingworth; the Roundabout Zoo was at Mottram and the
interiors of the Windermere guest house were filmed at Windy
Harbour Farm Hotel, a couple of miles away.

Attachments dating agency (23)
H Briss & Sons butchers (17)
Burger Me (10)
Charity/joke shop (21)
Mr Chinnery's surgery (19)
D&D newsagents' (4)
The Dentons' house (8)
Dick Fisher's bookies (13) Fleur de Lee's florists (16)
Hadfield Station - the Last Stop (1)
Job centre (9)
Les McQueen's house (6)
The Mason's Arms (15)
The Palatine (24)
Plastics factory alley (14)
Pop's house (7) Sensations Massage Parlour (11)
Shebab's restaurant (22)
Steve's tattoo studio (12)
Town Hall/Library (3)
Video vault - exterior (18)
Video vault - interior (5)
War memorial (2)
The Windermere - exterior (20)
1 Hadfield Station
2 The War Memorial
3 The Town Hall
4 D&D Newsagents
5 Video vault (interior)
6 No 71 Les McQueen's
7 Pop's house
8 The Dentons' house
9 The Job Centre
10 Burger Me
11 Sensations Massage Parlour
12 Steve's Tattoo Studio
13 Dick Fisher's Bookies
14 The plastics factory alley
15 The Mason's Arms
16 Fleur de Lee's florists
17 H Briss & Sons Butchers
18 Video vault (exterior)
19 Mr Chinnery's surgery
20 The Windermere
21 Charity/joke shop
22 Shebab's Restaurant
23 Attachments dating agency
24 The Palatine