To celebrate
the success of Mark's amazing Novel I have been given a
number of Vesuvius Club T-Shirts which you can win right
here right now on this web site!
T-Shirts are orange with the books logo on the front!
are two ways to enter 1. All you have to do is write a missing
chapter of The Vesuvius Club!
can be as short or as long as you like. It can take the
form of a screenplay or something as simple as a follow
up to the original story.
fact it can take any for you like as long as I feel you
have made an effort to fit in with the wonderful style and
content of the book!
Due to the lack of entries using the above method I am now
open to other entries (!) so if you want a tshirt email
me with 3 reasons in the style of the book why you want
a tshirt!
competition will be judged by myself and although I will
forward the entries to Simon & Schuster (as they have
kindly donated the t-shirts) this cannot be taken as an
official competition and I cannot guarantee that any entries
will be recieved by Mark.
entries will become the property of www.leagueofgentlemen.co.uk
except of course where they infringe on the right of Mr.
Mark Gatiss as copyright holder on The Vesuvius Club Novel.
your entry as a Word attachment only to: